This is the training for level two in
the North Carolina Department of Transportation
Erosion and Sediment Control Certification Program.
The purpose of the training is to prepare attendees for the exam
which is given in order to qualify for the certification.
First we're going to talk about the certification and then we'll talk about
the test. There are three levels in the
certification program. Level one certification is for people
who are directly involved in the installation and
maintenance of best management practices on ncdot construction sites.
Level two this training is for those who oversee
all or major portions of the erosion and sediment control on
projects. Level three certification is for those people who actually prepare
the design plans for erosion and sediment control.
Usually these are engineers and landscape architects. There's more information and details
about each of these levels and their responsibilities in the front part of
the handout, which is contained for all these
We will not go through a lot of those
details. There are two types of level two people
who may be on a project. First, a supervisor manages all aspects
of erosion and sediment control on a project.
They have to understand all the practices, ensure the erosion control
plans are being implemented, and manage any activities related to
erosion and sediment control. In addition, a level 2 supervisor
maintains quality control on all the practices,
such as maintenance needs, and keeps inspection records
on all of the practices. We'll discuss inspections in detail
in more (excuse me) in more detail later. For larger projects, there may be up to
three level two foremen. These oversee erosion seven
control for one or more of these three activities: grading, bridge
and culvert work over jurisdictional waters, and utilities. Here are some frequently asked questions.
First, can a level 2 foreman substitute for a
level 1 person? Yes they can, but in that case someone
has to take the level two foreman position.
In other words, no one can wear two certification hats
on a construction project.
Also, are certified people required on all
NCDOT projects? The answer is yes if there is an erosion
assignment control plan. There is another private certification
program which offers two levels of certification.
These are either acceptable as a substitute for
both levels or just level one. The goal of the certification program is
to be sure there are knowledgeable staff on every project to ensure
erosion and sediment control is taken care of. If problems arise, such as the
following types of violations, which we'll discuss later, it is possible
that the person responsible will lose their
certification. Note that this is not certain
but it is up to NCDOT staff to determine whether there will be a
revocation or suspension. So
if someone has their certification revoked. it will be for one year.
In that case, someone else will have to fill their role on the project,
which could be a major hardship finding another individual
who is certified.
Once a year has passed, certification can be regained by passing
the test again. Now, about the test. It is 50 questions,
35 of these have to be answered correctly in order to be certified. In
other words, you have to score a 70 or better on the test. It's open book,
so you can use any handout, book or other reference material at your disposal.
You cannot receive help from other individuals, however. The certification lasts for three years
from the date of your test. In these examples, you can see that you
are given whatever is left of the year when you take the test and then it's
three years after that. After that period of time, three years plus the
remainder of the existing year, you will need to be re-certified by
taking another test.
All certified individuals get their name
placed on a list which is maintained on the web as you can see here.
This helps everyone keep track of their certification and may help potential
employers verify the certification. This completes this module on the NCDOT
erosion and sediment control certification. certification program you.