maybe it's the new year or maybe you've simply taken up the gumption to run a marathon but it's coming up quick you don't know if you're going to be able to make it you only have two months or a very short window of time and you want to know from me can i run a marathon with two months of training [Music] if you haven't been with me here on the channel before i'm jesse funk this is a show i call runners high you want to hit that subscribe button to stick around to learn more about running anything you can think of from training tips to crazy questions so stick with me hit that subscribe button you'll learn a lot about running with me here on this channel now i know you want to hit that button because you probably wouldn't be asking me that question if you had been here on the channel before because i'm generally not going to recommend that you try to run a marathon on two months of training the reason i'm not going to recommend it is because the chance for injury is so so high now it depends on you obviously but depends on your genetic gifts there are a number of genetic gifts and predispositions that are great for taking on this kind of challenge and there are those of us that would probably be injured if we try to take on this kind of challenge so i can't say definitively that you can or cannot but i can say i'm pretty sure it can be done and people actually have taken on bigger challenges than that on the other show i do on this channel the smart athlete podcast i've actually interviewed a guy will mcgoff who wrote the book swim bike bunk and he took on an iron man full iron man with three months of training now whether he finished or did not finish you've got to read the book to find that out and about his whole adventure and kind of how he fell into this he didn't intend to do three months training to take on that challenge but uh publishing schedule basically dictated he had to um so what i want to say is that it is possible it definitely is possible but there are a number of factors that you have to take into account on whether it's a good idea for you the first and probably what should be most obvious is have you been running at all if you're talking about going from couch to marathon in two months um i pretty much under no circumstances i'm going to recommend that i'm sure there are young fit people that have not been running they can get away with it but again just the percentage of people that are going to get injured trying such a stunt is going to be pretty high so if you've already been running for you know a while then it can be much much more feasible if you're going to try this time crunched marathon training now you're going to ramp up mileage pretty quick but you're also going to have to be really you know poignant and cautious about how fast you ramp up the mileage and where you do it one of the other things to take into consideration if you haven't taken on a longer distance race if you've not done anything longer than a half marathon which i'm assuming you haven't because you're here in this video trying to figure out can i even do this marathon is that nutrition becomes a much much bigger component in longer distance races now your body basically has all the fat it needs to burn for this entire distance but you oh it can only store so much glycogen and that's with all those goose and gels and chomps and drinks and all those things are about is trying to replenish the sugar stores basically that your body uses your muscles use to move and the faster you move the harder you move especially outside of your fitness level the more of that you're going to use so it is crucial that you take and start practicing some kind of eating drinking routine on your longer runs leading up to the race if you don't then it makes it much much more difficult to finish there's numerous studies that show people who actually are replenishing electrolytes and that those calories that you're burning during a longer distance event like a marathon are much more likely to actually finish than those who don't and it makes sense right if you run out of fuel you bunk and stow swim bike bonk wheels book you bonk you hit the wall you just can't go any farther because you have physically run out of fuel and you can't push it anymore so that is a huge consideration do your own research know that a good general rule of thumb is you can only take in two to three hundred calories an hour while you're working out that's all that can be digested because blood flow is needed elsewhere in your body it can't be diverted to digestion you can end up with issues but you have to practice that food because you have to know what is going to work well with you does this particular type of gel work would you prefer something solid do you want to eat actual food supplements what drink all those things need to be taken into consideration before race day and again practiced on those long runs leading up to your race altogether i would say it is a possible challenge to be taken on it is possible to do though again i'm personally not going to recommend it if you've not done a half marathon yet um just the incidence of injury is too high and if you spend any time with me here on the channel again hit that subscribe button i'm always going to prescribe a long-term view if you want to be in the running community if you want to be a runner long term this is something you want to do as a lifestyle then don't be in a hurry long distance running endurance running training your body to be the best it can be without getting hurt takes time and you cannot get over that time component it simply can't be pushed faster your body can only adapt so quickly and that's why i'm always talking about consistency over time produces results we don't want to push it if we don't have to now again you're going to do what you're going to do if you're going to do it i'll try to support you the best i can again with this video but if there's another target date a little farther out to give you more time to do training then please take that because i hate seeing people get injured i've been through so many injuries myself and they are absolutely devastating because you have to deal with them you can't run you're stuck it hurts all the things involved in that so let me know are you going to take on this challenge are you going to listen to my advice please and try to postpone it a little bit whatever way share it in your share your thoughts in the comments below so we all help each other give each other advice on our own particular scenarios i'll see you next time on the next episode of runner's eye [Music]