why learning NLP models is so important
keep watching this is life mastery gym I'm Damon Cart and I teach people just
like you cutting edge NLP processes and techniques so that you can master your
life and take charge of your destiny so if that sounds good make sure you click
that subscribe button right down here so that you can get these videos on a
regular basis I've been learning NLP for the past seven years and I've immersed
myself into it and then that time have become an NLP teacher and an NLP coach
what I've discovered is that there are two models that really stand out in
particular by the end of this video you're going to know what I believe are
the two most important NLP models now I'm not suggesting that you only study
these models these two models and no other NLP models but you might want to
focus on those these two particular models put your attention on them make
sure you don't overlook them also if you're interested in some free training
on one of these models that I'm going to talk about you will find a link in the
description below also in in the comments to the to the top and I'll be
doing this training in three parts next week so you'll want to make sure you get
in on this reserve your spot and I'll talk a little bit more about this later
in the video first of all I think is really important to explain that NLP
itself is a model a lot of people say well what is NLP and I've answered that
question in so many different ways but one way to answer that question is that
NLP is a model NOP is a model for modeling or a model for learning but I
like to still think of it as modeling because a lot of time when a lot of
times when people think of learning that they think of memorization or just
sitting in a classroom and NOP is not that NLP is about the practical
application and really practicing things and so with NLP first started out as was
a way to model how people do anything but more specifically how does someone
do something very well how is it that two people who
pretty much do the same thing for a number of years maybe even use the same
method don't have the same results one person is much more successful than the
other well that points the direction
internally what's going on inside of a person what are they focusing on what
are their thoughts how are those thoughts structured this is where NLP
was born in this idea of well what really it makes the difference what
really is the difference that makes a difference is probably something
internal and we can go in there sort it so to speak and figure out what that is
we experience life subjectively not ever not no two people to experience life the
same way so what NLP is it's about understanding how we are creating that
subjectivity within ourselves how are we creating our unique experience and we
can focus that even more on okay well if somebody's successful or somebody's
happy then how are they having that unique subjective experience most of the
techniques and processes that you find in NLP were taken from models that were
created so people wanted to figure out how to be more persuasive how to be more
influential how to build rapport quickly they found a person who did these things
well and then they modelled them how do we how do we work through some of the
hardest problems that we have there how do we work through our limitations so
the founders of NLP found therapists who were really really good at doing that
and then they created a model around it so to summarize NOP is a model for
modeling and over the course of years that NLP was being developed
they created techniques and processes from these models and started teaching
these techniques and these processes but really the truth is is that that's not
it NOP it's not not NLP it's just that that's not what NLP is really all about
and Opia is really all about modeling as I mentioned I'm going to give you what I
feel is the two most important and LP models and I'll tell you why I believe
that the first one is the metamodel the meta model was the first NLP model
ever created and it's a language based model
so why is it so important to learn the metamodel especially if you want to
really understand NLP and you want to become really good at NLP basically the
answers are in the metamodel it's a very much overlooked model because it's the
oldest and it's not a very sexy model because it's a language based model and
most NLP students they just gloss over it a lot of times in an LP and an NLP
practitioner training where the metamodel is usually taught they spend
maybe not even a whole day on that model and so most people don't understand much
about it they don't really know how to practice it so they feel like okay well
I've got it I learned the metamodel I learned it in this training and I have a
certification to prove it so therefore I know it but know if you can use the
metal model effectively and what I mean effectively I mean on yourself and on
others that's really the standard for NLP are you effective using NLP on
yourself and on others that's how you know that you really have it words are
an expression of how you think and they're also a code of how you think so
understanding your words and how your coding your thoughts and coding your
feelings encoding your your beliefs is really really important to understanding
them and then from understanding them being able to free them so you want to
free your thinking you want to free your beliefs you want to free yourself from
problems which are normally created in thinking and that's what the metamodel
does it does it by recognition of language patterns and then once you
recognize the language pattern you'll have a way of you'll know how to
challenge those patterns and when you challenge those patterns you have to go
deeper into yourself to access the sensory based information that you've
become disconnected from because the language can do that we can stop
accessing what the words literally mean and get caught up in the concepts of the
words and when that happens that's where the traps are when you use the meta
model it forces you to go deeper back and can recapture that connection with
sensory based information and it grounds you it opens
census in your eyes – what's actually happening and what are the actual
resources and solutions you have available to you
it holds the core of what NLP is all about which is distortion deletion and
generalization this is how we filter the information we're receiving from the
world around us this is how we're representing or representing it
internally and you can go really deep with this model so if you only practice
it once or you've only practiced it for a week you're gonna need to do more than
that go much much deeper with it and your
understanding of NLP will grow along with this so a lot of people think well
if I'm putting all this time and attention on the metamodel I'm not
learning these other things that I'd like to be learning well you will learn
those other things so much better when you go deep with the mental model so
hidden in the mental model and I only say hidden because most people miss it I
don't think it's really hidden it's actually in plain sight but hidden in
the mental model is the key to NLP the next model I'm going to talk about is
what I would call the key to life and that is the self-concept model created
by Steve andreas my mentor of many years before he passed away the self-concept
model is basically a model of how we create our sense of self you can call
that the ego you can call that my self-image whatever you want it's also
explains why self-esteem is so mysterious and confidence is so
mysterious like it seems to come and go I'm not gonna get into the explanation
of that right now because it's a it's an in-depth explanation and actually this
is the model that I'll be doing the free training on next week so if you are
interested in learning a lot more about this model and and understanding those
deeper explanations that I'm I'm itting from this video you will want to get in
on that training like I said the link is right down here in the description below
the self concept model when I encountered it was something that I
didn't know that I was looking for but it was what I was looking for I was
asking my teachers a lot of questions and I wasn't getting satisfactory
answers and then when I met Steve andreas I asked him all the same
questions and he goes oh well I think this is what you want to
know and it just so happened to change my life and then became my life's work
in my focus because it is so amazingly powerful what you project around you
when you think about the life that you're living the world that you're
living in whatever you think of as reality it is a projection coming from
yourself there is no way that that is not happening and because that is
happening it is your sense of self that dictates the world you live in the
reality that you're living the meaning you make of it when you're able to go in
there and make changes to your self-concept this changes everything
now the self-concept model is a little bit more advanced but the great thing
about it is you don't actually have to know NLP in order to understand it now
if you know NLP already and you practice NLP already you'll have definitely of a
leg up I mean it'll you already speak the language so to speak it'll be a lot
easier but you don't actually need to know NLP in order to access this model
and make it work and a lot of you will think that it's complicated but it's
actually not it's detailed there are a lot of details to the model because we
are complex people but I don't actually think it's complicated I've been able to
teach this model to people who had no NLP background and they've been able to
put it to good use right away and get really effective results so those are
the two models regardless if you're an NLP beginner or you're NLP intermediate
or advanced I highly recommend putting your attention on these models I went
back and studied the metamodel several times even after years of doing NLP
training and feeling like I really had the model down I would go back and
revisit it so wherever you are in your NLP journey definitely put a lot of
attention on the meta model and then bring your attention to the self-concept
model you will be happy you did it like I said you don't need NLP training to to
get it but it was amazing whenever I encountered it because I already had a
lot of NLP training I already knew NLP very well but what I didn't understand
is how Inoki really worked I understood how to get results I understood how to
be effective at it I understood how to make it work for
when I was using it on myself and how to make it work well when I was using it
with other people but I didn't quite understand it and learning self concept
was like sort of like ripping the roof off the top of NLP and just looking
downing into it and realizing oh okay I get it now I understand how all of this
works so it's those models are those models really really well in practicing
them and going deep with them will absolutely change your life so if you're
ready to take the self-concept model even deeper make sure you sign up for
that free training like I said if going on next week depending on when you're
watching this video it may I've already passed but if you're watching this video
and the week that it was published make sure you get in on that training it is
free it's going to I'm going to chunk it down into three parts so that it's
really super easy to access for people even if you have no NLP understanding
whatsoever so jump in on that training if you like this video make sure you
give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already subscribed make sure you do that
right now by clicking that subscribe button and clicking the bell so that
you'll be notified when new videos come out last but not least if you know of a
friend or a family member who you think would benefit from this video make sure
you share it with them take care

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