– Hello there, this is Ajit Nawalkha, your host at Evercoach, and today we are talking about
how to use the Wheel of Life to create transformative experiences in your coaching session. And before we get started,
every single week, we create videos like this,
which give you a real strategy, a real tool, something that you can take to your coaching business
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to use the Wheel of Life, let's understand what
is the Wheel of Life? You see Wheel of Life is a methodology that is designed around
some of the key areas that are important to you as a person, that you could use to
evaluate your life currently, and the life that you want
to create in the future.

You see self-reflection or reflecting on where you are right now, is
one of the keys to creating a really successful life. As a coach it's your mandate
to help people reflect on where they are, and be able to evaluate themselves really, really well, so they can see how they would like their life to be in time. You see, as a coach you may have realized having a great life depends on how the person defines their great life. It is different for
different human beings, the priorities are different
for different human beings. The areas of priority are different for different human beings. So the Wheel of Life is going to help you and your clients identify
what is important to them, where they are in that journey, and where they would like to be. Now the Wheel of Life have
been defined and redefined by many people and every
has a lens towards it.

The usual Wheel of Life
would have eight categories. I personally prefer a version
which has 10 categories I'm going to explain those 10
categories to you right away. The categories itself
doesn't matter till the time it makes sense for you
and for your clients. You could do eight, you
could do 10, you could do 12. Or you could come up
with some more categories that you feel are missed in the regular view of life structure. I personally believe
that there is no reason for you to feel constrained with the categories that are predefined. But the 10 categories that I will explain would be a really good
start if you've never done the Wheel of Life before,
and have no understanding of how this really works. So let me show you how this
Wheel of Life thing works.

So as the Wheel of Life
states, it is a wheel, right. So lets make a wheel first. And now that we have a wheel, what we are going to do is we are going to highlight 10 categories. So lets make space for 10 categories. Now before we get into the Wheel of Life, lets learn about the 10
categories and what they mean. So first category is personal growth. Personal growth is, how do you see yourself
growing as a person? Do you think you are investing enough in your personal growth? Do you think that you are
growing as an individual because of the scenarios around you, because the education around you, because the videos like
this that you watch, are you growing yourself as a person? The second category is romance.

Romance is, how is it that your life is with your partner, your loved one, somebody that you have a
romantic relationship with? How do you evaluate that? Is it a very romantic life? Do you get to spend time together? Do you, Do you understand each
of those love languages? Do you express them in the right way? Do you feel love? Do you give love? The third category is family and friends.

Now you can separate
these categories if you, if you want to, but I like to bucket them in together, family and friends. This means how's your relationship with your family and your friends? Do you spend enough time with them? Do you feel that you're
spending enough time with them? Do you feel that you're connected and you're together in
many different ways? The fourth category is health. How do you feel about your health? How is your energy levels? How is your presence when
you are with somebody? How athletic are you? And do you think feel that you are at the same athletic levels
that you would like to be? And if not, where would
you place yourself? The fifth category is finances.

How is your financial education? How does your bank accounts look like? How does your savings account look like? How's your financial health? And where do you see yourself
financially in a few years? Or how do you see yourself based on what you always thought
your financial health to be right now at this stage of your life? Then comes business and career. Business and career is if
you are a business person or if you're a career person. Choose based on that and say
where you are in that journey. If your business is
thriving, not thriving. Where is it? Where would you like it to be? And how do you rate yourself,
to see where you are right now in that journey? Then is physical environment.

Physical environment
means people around you. You see, we are always
influenced with people around us, the place we live, the
people we interact with. And if that's not a good setting of our physical environment, we are not going to feel nourished. And that is why having a great physical environment is vitally important. So ask yourself the question, how is my physical environment? Is it set up for my growth? Is it set up for my success? If you can't influence a
larger physical environment, ask yourself for your room? Is your room set up? Because that's your physical environment, probably where you work from.

So, how is that physically set up? Is it physically set
up for you to succeed? Then comes fun and recreation. You see because everything else
in our life demands so much, we forget to give
ourselves recreation time. Fun time to rejuvenate and
be able to optimally perform. So ask yourself, how
are you rating yourself on a scale of one to 10 on where you are in the fun levels that you have in life, the recreation levels that
you have in your life? And with that question, ask yourself, what is it that you need to be doing to get to the next level? If there is the next level,
what does that look like and how and what gap is
between now and then? Then comes contribution. We as human beings love
giving value to the world. Adding value to people around us. It makes us tremendously happy, grateful, and joyous from within.

So ask yourself, how are you
contributing to the world? It could be by financial means,
it could be with your time, it could be your energy, it
could be just immediately to the people that you're influencing, or in a larger context of society. And lastly, is spirituality. This is a tricky one, everybody's
defines it differently. You could be a religious
or nonreligious person, but there is some sense of spirituality that you would have.

So where is it? What are those spiritual practices? How do you find yourself
aligned to a grander purpose or not aligned to a grander purposes? How do you feel your
connection with the universe and the oneness of all of us as humanity? Ask yourself that question and see, where would you place yourself
on a scale of one to 10. And see where would you
like to be and recognize the gap that you may have
in your spirituality.

Now with this, let's define
the 10 different categories We're going to write all 10 category and then we are going to see
how to really utilize, right. So first is personal
growth, then is romance, family and friends, health,
finances, business or career, physical environment, fun and recreation, contribution and then is spirituality. Lets make sure that we get
them to actually evaluate what is the priority level
of each of these categories. So, say they, say romance
is number one for them.

Say business is number two, their physical environment
is number three, fun and recreation is four. Say finances is five, health is six, seven is family and friends,
eight is personal growth. Nine is contribution, 10
is their spirituality. These are all hypothetical numbers, but have them evaluate and say, "What is the most important to you?" The next most important,
the next most important, the next most important. Now that you have identified
what is more important to them in category wise what
you do is then you say, "All right, let's evaluate
on a scale of one to 10, where are you in romance?" Lets say they say, "Well, my current romantic life is maybe about a five or a seven." And you say, "Okay, this is a seven," and they would like to be at a nine.

So the gap that we have
here is is about two, which means there is some
work that needs to be done. It's not a lot of work
that needs to be done, but some work that needs to be done. Lets go for under the priority, lets say they have number two, they said business and
career and they say, well, they're only doing a
one or a two in this category. Now, if they're saying it's two, and they would like it
to be, of course at nine or seven or something like
that, this is a big gap. This also means there is a possibility that you may have to do a lot more work on business and career with this person's pain and evaluation versus a romance or their romantic life.

Now you want to repeat
this exercise as much as possible for each of the categories that they are working on. And because of that what would happen is they're certain categories that would be doing really well, versus the others where they may need a lot more work required. Now because of the priority
level of different categories and the number that they've given to them in those categories.

You will be able to go, which are the categories
that I need to work on first. Which of the categories that
I need to work on after. What are the categories that
are interrelated and hence, they need to be worked
on at the same point. What are some of the
categories that are visibly not worked on enough
and that may be leading to consequences on their other categories. This gives you a really good holistic view of where your client may be at and what needs to be done
to have them make progress. What is priority, what
is important and there is the gap is so large, it is making them dissatisfied
with the life overall.

So what happens next, now that you have the evaluation based on the Wheel of Life, you have a holistic view of your clients. And because you have a holistic view and you know where they
are in their journey and what's the priority of
that particular category, you could define a coaching
plan that works more in sync with their needs. Instead of just hoping that
going into a coaching session working on just one area of their life. Now you know what the interrelated
areas of their lives are and what needs to be done
in what different categories and how you can help that person to be able to move
further in their journey.

If you've never used the
Wheel of Life before, why don't you take these 10 categories and try and evaluate where
you are in your journey across these 10 categories, and see where you would like to be and what could be a potential plan for you to get to that outcome. That would be a great
self-coaching exercise. I invite you to do that. Also, in the comment section below, what I would love to know is how you would use the Wheel of Life in your coaching sessions. How would we utilize this amazing simple evaluation tool to create
massive outcomes for our client. Thank you so much for watching. If you loved what we talked about today, go ahead and hit the subscribe button. Hit the like button so we know you're love and appreciate
videos like this.

Share with me in the comment section, how are you going to
use the Wheel of Life. And go ahead and share
this video with someone that you feel can use the Wheel of Life in their coaching practice or in life. Thank you so much for watching. This is Ajit Nawalkha,
I'll see you next week..

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