– What can you do with NLP? Who is NLP for? Well, NLP is about how to gain mastery over your mind and your emotions. NLP is about gaining better results. I mean so literally, NLP is for anyone that wants to get better
results or gain a mastery over their mind, their
thoughts, and their emotions. NLP focuses on you getting results. Results come from the
action that you take, what do you do with your life? Your actions, a lot of the
time, come from your emotions. What are the emotions that you have, the feelings that you have about what it is that you're doing. Are you happy, sad, motivated? Your thoughts drive your emotions. This comes from studies in psychology, as well as personal
growth and development. Well, what drives your thoughts? Really, your programming. How have you been programmed, whether that's your values, your beliefs, the people that you modeled? NLP goes in to help you
adjust your programming, so that you can begin
to change your thoughts, shift your emotions to
a more motivated state so that you're taking different action and getting the results that you want.
Now, I have a background in business. And in fact, our company started off as a consulting company,
and we really look at how do you apply NLP to business, to making more money, to becoming more successful in your career? And NLP, because it is a study of excellence in communication, well, in business you are really gauged on how well you can communicate as a manager, as an
employee, as a coworker, as a presenter, as someone that is speaking to you about how
to be successful in business, you've got to understand
that communication, that's a foundation of success. So NLP helps you become a more successful communicator in business.
From a more therapeutic perspective, NLP can help you let
go of those programming that you had that shifted your thoughts and emotions and actions about food. I used to have these weird programs about food, I used to believe
that food somehow nurtured me and gave me something
that you're not supposed to get from food. By letting go of that
programming and shifting that, all of that changed,
and my own success story is dropping 85 pounds of fat and getting into a better state of health and fitness. What about relationships? Well I can assure you,
after having been married for 10 years this year,
you better have good communication in your relationship. I have two kids, parenting. You need to have that solid communication with your kids and in
response from your children to be able to keep that
communication flowing as a two-way street. So here's the deal. NLP is for anyone that wants
to be a better communicator or get better results in those
major areas in your life. That's what NLP is and who it's for.